Our Personal Care for Independent Agents!

We provide protection people deserve and the personal care they need.
We have developed long-term relationships with our Independent Agent Distribution Network since our inception and believe we have built significant credibility and loyalty within the independent agent (IA) community in the states in which we operate, particularly Florida. We currently have a network of approximately 9,300 Independent agents.
Value We Provide to Our Independent Agent Network
1. Recruiting & Training
We actively recruit and train IAs and engage a company marketing representative to assist in ongoing training and recruitment initiatives in each state that we write business.
2. Compensation
We utilize an attractive commission-based compensation plan as an incentive to place business with UVE.
3. Service & Support
We strive to provide excellent service to our IAs, maintaining a consistent partnership and presence in our target markets through both hard and soft market cycles. Agents are provided dedicated internal contacts, and agencies are proactively contacted on a quarterly basis.
4. Technology
Our IAs have access to all policy and payment information through our online, proprietary system, which allows IAs to provide quotes within minutes and enables agents to quickly understand the status of a policy and assist their clients with any policy-related questions. Because we control our technology, we can quickly respond to agents who need troubleshooting assistance or recommend improvements to our system. We regularly monitor and enhance our system to provide the best point of sale tools possible.
5. Organic Florida Growth
Our relationships with our Florida IAs are critical to our success in growing our business and are a key differentiator when compared with competitors that have relied upon assumptions of policies from Citizens for their growth, who may not have developed the same degree of loyalty with as large a group of independent Florida agents.
The editorial content on Universal Property’s website is meant to be informational material and should not be considered legal advice.